Who runs The Hall
The Charity
The Community Hall is a charity which still has the name of Whittington Village Hall Charitable Trust. The day to day running of the hall is overseen by the Management Committee who are all volunteers.
The Committee
The Hall Management Committee are made up local volunteers all working for the good of the hall and the Community they live in. They consist of Chairperson Susan MacLeod, Vice Chair Mike Paige, Secretary Steve Brooker*, Treasurer and Hall Booking Secretary Anita Hodgson. Parish Council representatives* include Adam Hooper. Other Hall Committee members include David Chestney, Richard Holroyd, Malcolm MacLeod, Jayne Rayer (representing Whittington C0fE Parish Church) and Fiona Whitehead (representing the Hall users).
If you have skills that you think would be of help to the Hall and Committee and have time to volunteer, please email info@whittingtoncommunityhall.co.uk to find out about getting involved.